3 Benefits to having a YouTube channel

YouTube, of course, is one of the most efficient social media sites. It allows people to share videos free of charge. In short, you can find anything on YouTube.

In addition to being free, it gives you the freedom to post content as an individual or a business. There is no limit, whatsoever. When I say content, I mean that you are posting stuff that people will appreciate, like, and eventually subscribe to your channel.

To be able to have a channel, you have to have an email (Gmail account to be specific). Once you open your channel, you have to niche down to the type of content you will be sharing. All these come with massive advantages, which we are going to discuss in this article.

Here are three benefits to having a YouTube channel

3 Benefits to having a YouTube channel

1. You can earn from it

People are looking for ways to make money online. Most influencers are also running campaigns to help individuals who want to establish a full time or part time online career.

YouTube is one of the sure ways to earn money, and I mean good money. It may be difficult to get an audience at first, but as with most social media sites, be consistent. YouTube offers a lot of commission to people who have thousands of audience.

All you have to do is to create a Google AdSense account. Google will calculate your commission regarding how much views you get in your videos at the end of the month.

2. Enhances traffic to your blogs and websites

The thing about YouTube is that it is all about videos. Now, people are watching online videos at a considerable rate, and that is what you require.

With that information, you are sure that if you are posting informational content on your website, then you will attract traffic. Once you attract an audience that relates to you, viewers will head to your blog or website and other social media sites.

It, therefore, increases traffic to your blog, helps you to rank high on the search engine, and earn from prospects that purchase your products.

3. The best way for your audience to relate to your product

Your blog audience needs video most of the time. Let us say that you are in the process of introducing new content to your website.

The only way to explain the product without having to do much is by using video. Your audience will relate to you. Additionally, it can also be the best opportunity for them to see you in real time action and see your creativity.

As the owner of the channel, you have an opportunity to share your experiences and learn new things. That is what you require.


We can all agree that getting likes for your channel is not an easy task. It takes time before you become an influencer with a lot of audiences.

Remember that experts say that YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. Funny enough, Google owns the site as well.

Since getting relevant likes is a struggle among many online startups, you can buy youtube likes to hasten the process of brand recognition, which should be your priority.

tertarik dengan teknologi, gadget, internet, astronomi, anthropologi, sedikit politik, pendidikan, dan bisnis online

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