The Top 3 Things You Should Know About Being a Traveling Salesperson

As a salesperson, you determine whether the company will make more money or less. You hold an essential position, and that is why you need to be good with your selling skills. With proper skills, you are sure that your prospect will be happy with you and it can be easy to get to a good deal.

When you choose this career, you have two options. You can remain in the office, get bored, cold emailing or calling people, or go out into the field meet new people, pitch and sell to them. We can refer to the latter salesmanship as a traveling salesperson.

For those who are in the traveling category, it means that they will need to have the product ready, travel with it wherever they go. Today, we are going to focus on three things you should have in mind when you want to become a road warrior.

The Top 3 Things You Should Know About Being a Traveling Salesperson
The Top 3 Things You Should Know About Being a Traveling Salesperson

1. Have in objective – a clear one

When you think about the benefits that a road warrior has over the one in the office, you will choose to go out rather than sit in the office. Nonetheless, the company that you are working in will always give you a target, which you should meet at the end of every visit.

Therefore, it is wise that you take every visit seriously. Have a clear objective before leaving for the new place. If you think that that opportunity is another holiday package, then you would better staying back at home. One way to ensure that you do not lose any money is to check with the prospect to see if it is possible to complete the deal over the phone, email, or fax.

By the way, speaking of fax, you should try a new app called FaxBurner. If your prospects is a large business, then the chances are that they will ask you to send in photos and documents instantly. The app connects with the internet and sends them the pictures as long as they connect their phone to a printer or any other output.

2. Be ready for anything

The thing about sales is that you should be prepared for a no, whenever. Some of these “No’s” can be heartbreaking. But the truth is that those downfalls can be an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Be sure to prepare the next time you are going to meet clients.

Your knowledge about the product should help you develop some confidence, which is contrary when you know little about it. Some of the prospects will challenge you. For instance, they will dispute your pricing, compare your product or service to your competitors, or ask you questions related to the product.

Be sure to know how to say the right words, watch your attitude, ask questions and wait for them to answer, be a good listener (which is good because you understand your client’s needs), and sell the product’s value to them. By the way, try not to lower your price because they rejected your offer. It can be devastating but do not go to that route.

3. Build a relationship with the prospect

Take time to prepare before you meet with the person. By now, you have a clue of the individual you are prospecting, and so, it is proper that you research on some background information about them. It will help you know how to treat them.

Additionally, get some data on the company you are going to meet. Scrutinize their targets, their needs-which should be a priority, and why you think that the product is fit for them. By now, you should have all the information about your product at your fingertips, which should be helpful when selling, since your goal is to market value.

When you are meeting, ensure that you build a rapport with them. For example, asking obvious questions like, “How is your family doing?” could be a game changer. They will feel that you can connect with them. Nonetheless, do not entertain them too much that you forget the primary objective, which is making that sale.


Have all the necessary documents with you when traveling. Always aim for spending less time with the prospects to help you reach as many people as possible. Remember that you have a target to achieve at the end of the day.

tertarik dengan teknologi, gadget, internet, astronomi, anthropologi, sedikit politik, pendidikan, dan bisnis online

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